Lot 1/1041 Kampung Cherating Lama, 26080 Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia

Surf lesson session, weekend 25-26th November and 2-3rd December 2017 at CheratingPoint Surf School

Hi to all,

Today, 8th December 2017: The new swell’s already in. It looks like as if we will have a really good surf session throughout the entire weekend. The peak will be expected on Saturday. We’ve been really busy the last 2 weekends, since we re-opened for the new season. We  were packed with lessons that our students already pre-booked in advance.

Every day at the moment we are running classes, no matter weekdays or weekends. It’s great to see “old” faces from the previous years and meet up new faces who want to become engaged with surfing as well. The respond and feedback we get shows us that we are on the right track to share our passion with everybody who wanna try and find out about the feeling of riding waves.

For those who are still uncertain if you should come over or not, just give it a try! Never try, never know. And even if it will be just a one time experience, the memory nobody can take away from you. If you get hooked up with this sport, better prepare yourself for a life finding every possible gap to escape to the seaside.

We are looking forward to welcome you here & waiting for any kind of inquiries which we can help you out with. Just drop us an email at cheratingpoint@googlemail.com


Meanwhile have a great weekend & see around sooner or later!


Photos from the last 2 weekends 25-26th Nov and 2nd-3rd December 2017



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