Lot 1/1041 Kampung Cherating Lama, 26080 Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia

7th/8th feb 2014 Surf lesson session

Good morning all, Thank god it’s Friday again.Been long time dint have rain and this morning was raining a bit.At the moment it high tides and looking forward to go out during the mid-tides.Any way the swell is here again 4.5ft good enough for those who wanna learn to surf.The forecast for the weekend is […]

31st January 2014 Chinese new year surf lesson session

Hi again, First of all we wanna wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year. It’s the year of the horse – just “keep it going”! Was a great and long weekend. On Friday, at last the swell came in – just shoulder height and it was a good session in the morning with our first […]

28/29th December Surfing lesson session.

Hi Again, Been more then one week now as the swell kicking in  the coast.Forecast look really good this weekend through new year.Was good fun session with the Cheratingpoint surf student at the weekend.Here some shots from 28/29 december 2013 session.Come on and join us this new year.