Tag Archives: establishedmalaysiansurfschool

We are officially open for surf monsoon season 2016/2017

we are officially open for surf monsoon season 2016/2017

Good morning all,

The Monsoon season 2016/2017 has officially started a few weeks ago. Small swells are already hitting the coast of Malaysia, what is normal for the early season. Whereby there will be lots of small waves, what is really good for beginners that have never surfed before. Cheratingpoint surf school officially opened back on 12th November 2016 and on that weekend we were blessed with a few days of fun surf sessions with our students. November is going towards the end and at the moment we are still waiting for the first proper ground swell. Looks like this coming Monday the new swell is coming in and we are ready to take your bookings. We’re hoping to be blessed again with lots of good swells and good times this monsoon season.

Cheratingpoint has been established in 2008, the oldest surf school in Cherating and by now as well the biggest one in Malaysia. Our instructors are well trained and willed to share their own surfing knowledge with you. We make an adventure out of your first surfing experience and while being professional at the same time we don’t miss out on the fun part. Even after your lesson you can hang out with us and get the village vibes! Sharing is caring and if we can make you smile at the end of the day our job is done. You will be taking back home a sweet memory of this place and this is all what we are aiming for! So please come over and check it out by yourself!

Eine neue Saison steht vor der Tür und wir freuen uns ebenso auf unsere internationalen Gäste aus der ganzen Welt! Cherating bietet optimale Bedingungen für Surfanfänger, keine Korallen, Point Break, lange Wellen und eine freundliche Surf Community. Gerne teilen wir unsere langjährige Erfahrung und geben auch über die Surfstunden hinaus einen Einblick in’s Dorfleben. Cherating ist definitiv ein Ort, an dem man länger als geplant verweilen kann. Hat einen der “Dorf-Spirit” erst einmal eingefangen dann lässt er einen nicht mehr los! Life is simple: Surf, eine gute Zeit mit guten Leuten & Zeit zum relaxen! Was will man mehr?!? Findet es selbst heraus…wir freuen uns auf Eure Anfragen per Email oder via whats app.

As for those who wanna get detailed information, feel free to call us at +60129337590 or email us at Cheratingpoint@googlemail.com

Looking forward to see you guys at the line up, book now coz the monsoon season only lasts till March!!

Zairil Zainal,

Founder Cheratingpoint surf school, Established 2008

Last weekend session with our students at Cheratingpoint surf school.